A full suit of armor weighed around 40-50 pounds. The weight depended on the materials used and the type of armor. For example, a full suit of plate armor could weigh as much as 50 pounds, while a chain mail shirt might only weigh 10-15 pounds.

What were medieval suits of armor made of?

Most medieval suits of armor were made of metal, specifically iron or steel. However, other materials were sometimes used, such as leather, fabric, and even wood.

##How did medieval knights put on their armor?

They usually had someone help them put it on, because it was very heavy and difficult to do by oneself. First they would put on the underwear (called a chemise), then the padding (called gambeson), then the breastplate and backplate, then the arm armor, then the leg armor, and finally the helmet.

How did medieval knights take off their armor?

Again, they would usually have someone help them take it off. They would start with the helmet, then the leg armor, then the arm armor, then the breastplate and backplate, then the padding, and finally the underwear.

What were some of the different types of medieval suits of armor?

There were many different types of medieval suits of armor, depending on the time period and location. Some common types include plate armor, chain mail, brigandine, scale armor, and lamellar armor.

Did all medieval knights wear suits of armor?

No, not all medieval knights wore suits of armor. Some knights, such as those in the early Middle Ages, only wore simple clothing and did not have access to metal for armor. Other knights, such as those in the late Middle Ages, could afford metal armor but chose not to wear it for reasons of personal preference or style.

What were some of the disadvantages of wearing a suit of armor?

The main disadvantage of wearing a suit of armor was that it was very heavy and uncomfortable. It was also very expensive, which meant that only wealthy knights could afford to wear it. Additionally, wearing a suit of armor made it difficult to move around and fight effectively.

The weight of the armor was distributed evenly throughout the body so that it was not too cumbersome for the knight.

The weight of the armor was distributed evenly throughout the body so that it was not too cumbersome for the knight. However, the armor still weighed a lot and made it difficult to move around. Additionally, the armor could be very hot in warm weather and make it difficult to breathe.

How did medieval knights clean their armor?

They would usually have someone else clean it for them. The armor would be taken apart and cleaned piece by piece. First, the metal would be polished with a cloth or brush. Then, the padding and other materials would be washed with soap and water. Finally, the armor would be put back together.

Most suits of armor were made from metal, leather, and cloth

Most suits of armor were made from metal, leather, and cloth. However, other materials were sometimes used, such as wood or even bone.

What was the most popular type of medieval suit of armor?

The most popular type of medieval suit of armor was plate armor. Plate armor was made from metal plates that were riveted or welded together. It provided good protection from weapons and was relatively easy to move in. However, it was very expensive and difficult to make.